North Central Washington Audubon

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The North Central Washington Audubon Society (NCWAS)
is recruiting interested volunteers for key positions.

NCWAS, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the conservation of and education about birds and their habitats in Chelan, Douglas, Ferry, and Okanogan counties, is seeking individuals to help implement our conservation, education, or community science activities by providing their skills in accounting to serve as treasurer, membership tracking and development, education, website maintenance, or social media design. If you think you might enjoy joining our highly motivated group, we would like to talk with you. You can reach us by email:


APRIL 1–13, 2025
Go to Olympic Birdfest for details and to register


Wednesday Wenatchee Birding with the Wenatchee River Institute. Click here for details.
This is an ongoing field trip to Walla Walla Point Park and Horan Natural Area in Wenatchee.

NCWAS Community Science Projects

The North Central Washington Audubon Chapter is involved in several Community Science bird survey projects. You can read a brief description of each of these activities here. We’d be happy to hear from you if you have an interest in volunteering for these community science surveys.