We are pleased to announce that the NCWAS Friends of Horan monthly bird walks through Walla Walla Point Park and the Horan Natural Area are beginning again after months of pandemic denial. We follow the latest CDC guidelines for Covid protection. If you are vaccinated, you can participate in these bird walks without using a mask. Carpooling to the parking area is fine if everyone is vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, please wear a mask and do not carpool to the parking area. Simple, right?
The Friends of Horan bird walk takes place the first Wednesday of each month. There is no registration required for these walks. Just show up, be prepared for the weather and, walk about 2.5 miles on easy, gravel trails. Each of the walks begins at 07:30 and ends by 10:00. It is fine to leave the walk early if you have limited time. The walks begin at the north-most parking lot in Walla Walla Point Park near the restrooms. Parking does not require a Discovery Pass and is free (thank you Chelan PUD).
Every walk follows a protocol to visit several sites and the bird sightings are entered into eBird. This ensures that bird use in the Horan area and in Walla Walla Point Park are consistently documented.