CONSERVATION UPDATE: Nason Ridge Community Forest (NRCF)

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Tim and Mary Gallagher, NRCF Stewardship Committee Members
March 2023

A lot of exciting things are happening with the Nason Ridge Community Forest.

Monthly eBird surveys by NCWAS volunteers continue to be conducted at seven sites that characterize the varied habitats of this once industrial forest land.  Since November all surveys were conducted by cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.  Hearing a duet of dippers along a bend in Nason Creek during a February snowstorm was a delight, as was a small flock of mallards flying fast up the creek chased by a mature bald eagle. The results of these surveys will be used by Chelan County to inform decisions prioritizing areas best suited for improved habitat and wildlife conservation and to gauge the results of the work.

The Stewardship Committee continues to meet monthly with Chelan County and the National Park Service Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance Program in recreation management and has developed a vision statement:

Augment existing Community Forest and cross-boundary recreation opportunities with intentional recreation improvements that showcase healthy forest ecosystems and allow for a variety of experiences. The Community Forest provides accessible nature-based enjoyment and educational opportunity aimed at benefiting local Chelan County residents.”

The Washington Conservation Science Institute is currently working to help identify high-value ecological areas within the Community Forest.  These areas will be mapped to help inform the recreation planning and decision process.

Also assisting is the Wenatchee River Institute to help with the education and community benefit components of the Community Forest.

Upcoming Forest projects include spring reforestation of previous clear-cut areas, invasive species management, and the second year of the Nason/Kahler Creek Habitat Improvement Project.  The County is also looking into biochar feasibility for Community Forest treatments and carbon financing for reforestation efforts.

For Stewardship Committee meeting notes, future meeting dates and more information go to:

Questions?  Please contact our NRCF Lead, Bill Deters at or Mary Gallagher at