Anthropocene – a list of references

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In May 2021, NCWAS , sponsored the movie, Anthropocene, as part of the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center’s Environmental Film Series. The event consisted of a period of time in which people could register to watch the movie followed by a one-hour panel discussion of a central question: “What is the single wisest thing that we, as individuals or members of society, can do as stewards of the planet?”

The following list of references is provided as a starting point for learning more about this important question and issue.

Anthropocene – A Collection of Useful References


Frances Moore Lappe, It’s Not Too Late! Crisis, Opportunity and the Power of Hope

Mike Nelson, Pieter Tans, and Michael Banks, The World’s Littlest Book on Climate: 10 Facts in 10 Minutes

Katharine Hayhoe,Saving Us: a Climate Scientist’s Case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World. (to be published in September 2021)

Erle C. Ellis (2018) Anthropocene: A Very Short Introduction

Paul Hawken (2017) Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming [see link to website, below]

Elizabeth Kolbert (2014) The Sixth Extinction; an Unnatural History (won Pulitzer Prize)

Simon L. Lewis and Mark A Maslin (2018)  The Human Planet: How We Created the Anthropocene

Douglas W. Tallamy (2020) Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation That Starts in Your Yard [see link to website, below]

Chris D. Thomas (2017)  Inheritors of the Earth: How Nature Is Thriving in an Age of Extinction {This book is contrarian … but the author has solid academic credentials] Here is a useful review.

Edward O. Wilson (2017) Half-Earth: Our Planet’s Fight for Life [see link to website, below]


Publications (not books)

The biomass distribution on Earth


Betsy Dudash (2021) Landscaping for Birds and Wildlife.  Powerpoint program. 

Katharine Hayhoe, The Most Important Thing You Can Do To Fight Climate Change:  Talk About It (Ted Talk).  Katharine Hayhoe has several presentations on TedTalks and YouTube.