What’s that Bird?
What ’s That Bird? (WTB): NCW Audubon Society volunteers place life-size hand-carved and painted wooden birds in low tree branches. Children take a checklist, locate the birds, note field marks, and look at bird charts to identify the bird they saw. You can learn a bit more about What’s That Bird? here.
We use WTB regularly for Youth on the Columbia in connection with the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center and the Wenatchee Row and Paddle Club. Over several weeks in the spring and fall, area elementary classes travel to Wenatchee Confluence State Park and participate in a rotation of activities.
WTB has been used at various camps and taken to Chief Joseph Dam or Bridgeport State Park for elementary grade class programs run by the Corps of Engineers.
WTB is also used during Salmon Festival for classroom groups and Family Day every September at the Leavenworth Fish Hatchery.
Speakers and programs: Photo programs and videos by chapter members provide opportunities for local people to learn about the birds in their area. Speakers give programs at groups such as Kiwanis and Wenatchee Naturalist classes. We have annual responsibility for parts of the Environmental Film and Speaker Series at the Wenatchee Valley Museum and Cultural Center.
Binoculars: NCW Audubon owns a classroom set of binoculars that we use with What’s That Bird? and two additional sets that are available for loan to others.

Family Bird Walks
“Birding for Kids” — For a chilly hour and a half in November 2019, six children used Audubon binoculars to spot geese and other waterfowl. The goals: familiarize kids with binocular use and learn a few common species of birds. Everyone had a good time, parents were appreciative and hope to have other “Birding for Kids” opportunities in the future.
Birding Resources
Would you like to know some great areas to visit to bird in North Central Washington? Our Interactive Birding Route Maps show may options in our area. You’ll find information about how to get there, what habitats are present, and what birds you may see during different times of the year.