2020 Christmas Bird Count Guidelines
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Audubon Society (NAS) recently announced their guidelines for the 121st Audubon Christmas Bird Count (CBC). Compilers have two options. They can run a COVID-19 safe and socially distanced CBC, if local rules allow, or they can opt to cancel their count. Compilers who wish to proceed must wait until at least 15 November 2020 to confirm their count will take place in order to better understand the status of the outbreak in their region. NAS will fully support those compilers who decide to cancel their counts, stating that the safety of their compilers and community scientists is their top priority. The National Audubon Society also has stated there will be little to no impact on the scientific value of the CBC by missing one count season. Local compilers are in the process of evaluating their options. Check back here in mid-November for further updates.