NCWAS participates in several festivals every year. Our committee members design and schedule all the events within Birdfest and Hawkfest. We conduct a What’s That Bird (link) event at Salmonfest and a host a photo display of at the Spring Birdfest. We have participated in Earth Day celebrations in Bridgeport, WA, Leavenworth, WA and in Wenatchee, WA.
Hawk Fest
Hawkfest celebrates raptor migration in North America. NCWAS establishes an informational table, helps staff an activity table, and helps with the logistics of the festival. NCW Audubon sets up educational activities such as dissecting owl pellets for those attending Hawk Fest in Pateros every fall in connection with the hawk migration count on Chelan Ridge.
Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest
In addition to being key sponsors of the Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest, Audubon displays the National Audubon traveling photo show of winning photographs from the national contest. The NCW Audubon local photo contest winners are also part of this show.
Tabling Events
We set up tables of Audubon materials, posters of local birds, children’s activities, books, and other information at events such as Leavenworth Spring Bird Fest, Salmon Festival, Hawk Fest, Earth Day, and chapter programs and socials.