The current Washington State Legislative Session, which is scheduled to run through April 21, 2021, has before it several bills addressing issues important to birds and the environment. Audubon Washington, the National Audubon Society’s office in Washington State, is actively promoting and/or tracking developments on many of them. For details, we encourage you to read Audubon Washington’s bill tracker to see where important bills presently stand. Because their statuses change regularly, the tracker will be updated weekly. NCWAS encourages our membership to contact their State Senator and Representatives in support of any or all bills of personal interest, particularly those the tracker identifies as top or key priorities. Questions about who your senator and representatives are, or how to contact them – go to https://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/.
Thanks for keeping us aware of the bills before the state legislators that NCWA supports. Your persistence got me motivated to contact my legislators in the 12th district.