5 Legislative Successes

2021 was a big year for state-level conservation and climate policy. Thanks to the support of Audubon Washington and Local Audubon Chapters across the state, the bills listed below are now law.

  • Clean Fuel Standard (HB 1091)
  • Cap and Invest program (SB 5126)
  • HEAL Act (SB 5141)
  • Updating Washington’s shoreline armoring policy (SB 5273)
  • Funding for post-fire sagebrush recovery, smart solar siting in the Columbia Plateau, and a near record-setting state conservation budget 

How did we do it in a pandemic while everyone is working from home? Audubon’s statewide network wrote to key legislators, signed and shared Action Alerts, and met with legislators to support these policies.    While seeing the above bills enacted into law was a huge lift that Audubon members can and should be proud of, we must continue our work to advance the ball for the environment.  Bottom line, what’s good for the environment is good for birds.  So our work is not done, in fact we never will be, and NCWAS will remain involved.

submitted by Mark Johnston 060121