2021 Year-end Species Summary
2021 was a record-breaking year for entering bird species into eBird. The results of all your efforts within the NCWAS four-county area are in. By the numbers: 1,061 people contributed Continue Reading →
North Central Washington Audubon Society
furthering the knowledge and the conservation of the environment of North Central Washington
2021 was a record-breaking year for entering bird species into eBird. The results of all your efforts within the NCWAS four-county area are in. By the numbers: 1,061 people contributed Continue Reading →
The Geography of North Central Washington Swept by massive floods, scraped by glaciers and ice sheets, ravaged by wildfire, and manipulated by humans – these are the forces behind the Continue Reading →
A “birder” is a person who watches wild birds for enjoyment. An eBirder is a person who writes down their bird observations and submits them to the Cornell Lab of Continue Reading →
It is possible to see four hummingbird species in north-central Washington: Anna’s, Calliope, Black-chinned, and Rufous. Of the four species, only Anna’s is resident year-round in much of the North Continue Reading →
eBird continues to gather bird sightings at a rapid pace. With over 1 billion entries, the database is a rich repository of bird data that allows us to explore numbers, Continue Reading →
This article was submitted by Merry Roy, NCWAS board member Whimbrels, one of the seven curlew species remaining in the world, fly from their wintering grounds in coastal South America, Continue Reading →
This post is the first of several blog entries that will explore eBird. We hope that you will find interest and become a part of the eBird community. eBird is Continue Reading →
The following email was forwarded to me with a request to post it here so people who may be available and interested to help will know of the need. If Continue Reading →
It was wonderful to resume the long-term guided bird walk through the Walla Walla Point Park area and into the Horan Natural Area. This was the third trip to this Continue Reading →
There is little question that eBird, an online database of crowd-sourced bird observations, provides a remarkable resource to find birds of interest in a certain area or at a given Continue Reading →