NCW Audubon Upcoming Field Trips

Hi Birders,

NCW Audubon has three field trips scheduled for this coming May 24th, June 6th and June 12th. Grab your binoculars and come join us! Please see trip details below.

Deadhorse Lake Field Trip- May 24th

Join Juliet Rhodes and Janet Bauer for a morning bird walk to Deadhorse Lake from Frost Road on May 24th. A nice variety of birds should be seen with the arrival of our summer residents.
Expect to walk 2-3 miles on gently rolling dirt roads and pathways. Please bring binoculars, water, and good walking shoes. We will meet up at the Twisp Community Center parking lot at 8am and will be out for 2-3 hours. Trip is limited to 8 participants. To sign up, please email trip co-leader Janet Bauer at

Nespelem to Goose Lake and Beyond- June 6th

By early June, all the spring breeding birds should be present in our region. We will spend a full day birding between the Nespelem River and Goose Lake, with the likelihood of continuing on to the Aeneas Valley. We’ll have an excellent chance to see several species that are uncommon in our area, such as American Redstart and Northern Waterthrush. Dress for the weather and bring lunch, snacks, water, etc. There will be only limited walking along unpaved roadways. We will meet at 6 am at the Sweet River Bakery in Pateros (203 Lakeshore Drive) and expect to return by 5 pm. This trip is limited to ten birders. To reserve your space, email trip co-leaders Art Campbell at or DJ Jones at
NOTE: Participants must be fully vaccinated (two shots plus a booster), practice
social distancing in the field, and wear a mask (N95 preferred) when carpooling. Thank you for your cooperation!

Okanogan Highlands Field Trip- June 12th

Come bird the Okanogan Highlands! This day-long adventure will begin in Tonasket, ascending from the Okanogan Valley to roam through the varied habitats of the Highlands and sample its wonderful bird life. Our tour last year identified 92 species in the cliffs, wet meadows, shrub steppe, grassland, forest, riparian, wetlands and open water habitat along the way, and we missed some of the regulars!.   Plan to walk short distances over level to slightly rolling terrain. Please bring lunch, water, sun protection and anything else you need to enjoy a day in the Highlands with the birds.
Date: Sunday, June 12: meet at 7:30am with projected end time of 4:30pm. Group size limit: 8  Covid precautions:  participants should be vaccinated, practice social distancing in the field, and bring a mask to wear for carpooling.

Contact Todd Thorn to reserve your space with the group and for meeting directions, at